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The Gold Fish Bowl

The ever-popular Gold Fish Bowl is an interesting, beautiful and inexpensive way to keep fish.

It proves to be an eye-catching idea for making small spaces look lively. Whether it's your office table, your bedside, the dinning table, study or even by your bathtub, the fish will soon form a bond with you and will never let you feel lonely in your work or leisure.

Different sizes of fish bowls are available with us, such as 6", 8", 10" and 12" (diameter).
You can keep different varieties of gold fish in a bowl such as Oranda, Lionhead, Black Moor, and Bubble Eye. Siamese Fighter fish also go well with gold fish. Other types of fish that are fast moving are not suitable for bowls since they require more space.
Taking care of your Gold Fish Bowl is easy if you keep in mind some simple points listed below.
  • Feeding the fish twice a day is enough. The amount of food given should not be more than what the fish can consume in 5-10 minutes. Excess feed will cloud and pollute the water quickly and you will find yourself changing the water frequently.
  • Aeration in the bowl is not required as the bowl contains only a small quantity of water that is circulated by the movement of the fish themselves. But you should ensure that you do not fill the bowl completely to the top. The water level should be just a little more than halfway to the top of the bowl - this allows maximum surface area for exchange of gases.
    A small natural plant is always a good idea, as it will keep the water oxygenated, besides providing some nutrition to the fish and contributing to a more natural look.
  • Cleaning of the bowl should not be done until you find the water getting cloudy. Partial water changes should be carried out after a couple of weeks. But if you find the bowl getting really dirty, clean it in the following manner.
    1. Transfer the water and the fish into a clean bucket.
    2. Empty the contents, such as plants, gravel, rocks, etc. Wash the bowl and the contents with salt and water. Do not use any soap/detergent.
    3. Fill the bowl with chlorine free water. To remove chlorine from the water, treat it with anti-chlorine tablets (available from an aquarium shop), or just leave the water open overnight.
    4. Rearrange all the contents back in the bowl.
    5. Now introduce the fish back into the bowl. The fish may seem a little lazy at first, but will soon recover, and they should be fed only then.

Giving a few minutes to your fish can keep both you and your fish really happy. 
Many of our customers have been keeping their fish for years now. In the wild, these fish are at the mercy of nature, where survival is only for the fittest; you can give them not only protection, but love and care.

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This page was last updated on 5 May 2000